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What we do

Practical results oriented innovations  for products, processes, systems, software and services that are designed to deliver bottom line results.

What we do NOT do.

Warm and Fuzzy "ideation", unfocused brainstorming, unfocused innovation.


Innovation Profiling -  An interactive proprietary software driven method that creates an Innovation Orientation ™ Profile. Use this Rayalta Software tool to determine which individuals are most adept at creating innovations in specific areas.  An individual's skills vary by area of focus opportunity, so the profile can change from project to project.

Improved Customer Acuity ™ - We can provide details on customer group likes and dislikes for nearly any business type in every U.S. market or combination of many markets. You can use this information to innovate, and differentiate yourself from your competitors.

Innovation Focusing - We can teach you how to get the most out of an innovation effort by using our software driven Hub questions ™ to drive focus and prompt innovative thinking. Coupling this with an Innovation Orientation ™ Profile software may help give you the results you have always needed.

Innovation Coaching - Individual help in leveraging your people to be more innovative.

Focused Innovation Creation Workshops - More powerful than brainstorming.  Individually designed to create potentially patentable innovations in an area of your choosing.

B.U.I.L.D. program -  Design and implement a company-wide  innovation effort to enable you to leap ahead of your competitors. This can also be designed to prove to your shareholders your focus on innovation.

Innovation Systems -  We create systems to drive innovation.  Rayalta systems solutions such as the Inventor's Database, and the  Innovation Profiling Matrix system can help ensure your success.  

Software solutions -  We build prototypes and software innovations that are designed to be scalable.  Nearly all innovations in some areas are driven or controlled by software.  Rayalta puts you in the innovation driver's seat with our software solutions.

Cost Reduction Services -  Sometimes your operations are so overwhelmed by inefficiencies and costs that innovation will be crushed under the weight of the organization.  Using process reengineering and other techniques, we can get your house in order so you can begin using innovation to build your future.

Tailored Services

If you need to do something with product innovation or even process innovation, it's likely we can help. Innovations can be the basis for entire new product lines, revenue streams, and even industries.  But these new businesses always start with a small idea and critical expertise, like the expertise you get with Rayalta.